Lisbon, Portugal
"Democracy?" workshop within XXXII AFIRSE Portugal COLLOQUIUM, Education Institute - Lisbon University (https://afirse.ie.ul.pt/).

Lisbon, Portugal
"Democracy?" workshop in the cultural space "Casa do Comum" (https://www.casadocomum.org/).

Strasbourg, France
Communication "Immersive Audio Unlearning", as a selected Lab Initiative within the framework of the 12th World Forum for Democracy (www.coe.int/en/web/world-forum-democracy).

Cabreiro, Portugal
Micro pilot sessions for "The Ascension" first public impressions.

Kranjska Gora, Slovenia
Communication "Immersive Audio Unlearning - a radical education methodology", within the framework of the 2nd European Academy on Youth Work (www.eayw.net).

Weimar, Germany
"Democracy?" session and communication "Radical Education and Youth Work in Europe" within the framework of the Critical Youth Work? (non)Conference (www.ejbweimar.de).

Santarém, Portugal
"Democracy?" session, within the framework of the “Non-Formal Education and Lifelong Learning” classes of the Social Education Degree of the School of Education (Polytechnic of Santarém).

Strasbourg, France
"Democracy?" session showcase, within the framework of a meeting of the Trainer's Pool of the Youth Department of the Council of Europe, at the European Youth Centre Strasbourg.

Belas, Portugal
"Democracy?" experimental session for invited people.

Porto, Portugal
"Democracy?" session showcase, within the framework of the Sinergias international meeting “Education, Social Transformation and Global Citizenship: debates, paths, and meanings of the political” (www.sinergiased.org).

Santarém, Portugal
"Democracy?" double session, within the framework of the “Non-Formal Education and Lifelong Learning” classes of the Social Education Degree of the School of Education (Polytechnic of Santarém).

Budapest, Hungary
"Democracy?" workshop within the framework of a Study Session at the European Youth Centre Budapest (www.coe.int).

Lisbon, Portugal
"Democracy?" micro pilot session for pioneer feedback.

Strasbourg, France
Communication "Radical Education - A pathway for new utopias and reimagining European democracies", within the framework of the Pan European Congress on Global Education of the Council of Europe 2022, at Le Palais de l'Europe (www.coe.int).

Article "Radical Education - A pathway for new utopias and reimagining European democracies", within the framework of the Pool of European Youth Researchers - EU+CoE Youth Partnership (www.pjp-eu.coe.int).