What People Say

Stopping for 60 minutes to immerse yourself in a story of violence is not a pleasant experience, but paradoxically it is highly recommended. Because we experience everyday violence without reflecting on it, as if it didn't affect us, immersing ourselves in silence with Alice is an opportunity for waking up and questioning.*
João Afonso
Casa do Comum, Lisboa, Portugal, 2024
*Translation from the original, in Portuguese.
I liked the out-of-the-box approach, the relaxed atmosphere with the right environment to absorb and reflect. The experience didn't change my mind, but it made me more aware of the subject. Yes, I recommend it because we should all be aware of what it would mean to live under a government of extremes.*
Pedro Martins
A Ascensão
(Piloto) Alcabideche, Portugal, 2024
*Translation from the original, in Portuguese.
The event "Democracy?" made an impression on me. The sense of hearing is very relevant and present in my daily life. In fact, the experience was much more than listening, it was about collectively inhabiting a "soundscape" and then being able to discuss it with those who accompanied me.*
Daniel Oliveira
Multiusos de Belas, Portugal, 2023
*Translation from the original, in Portuguese.